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Courier Media

Courier set out to cement themselves as the world’s leading resource offering inspiration and advice to young founders in early-stage businesses whilst establishing their presence outside the UK, within the Australian market

Working directly with London-based Courier Media, we set out to produce eye-catching and scroll-stopping narrative-based content. Showcasing the key Courier business demographic across NSW and VIC, we aimed to support Courier's TikTok channel growth.

Sure Studios traveled across New South Wales and Victoria to visit 9 businesses in multiple industries, producing 18 different vertical videos. 

Courier Media has since released 11 of the videos on their TikTok channel, amassing over 4M views in total and supporting 2.5x follower growth (20k to 51k)

Client: Courier Media
Director of Photography: Jack Toohey, Markus Sternecker, Alessandro Zotti
Video Editor: Markus Sternecker, Alessandro Zotti, Rosie Byrne
Voice Over: Annabelle Kablean, Jai Chouhan, Will Stevens, Rosie Byrne
Script Writing: Sure Studios